Welcome to the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine

The Rutgers-Cleveland Clinic Consortium is part of the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary network working to develop advanced treatment options for our severely wounded servicemen and women. The AFIRM is managed and funded through the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (MRMC); with additional funding from the US Navy, Office of Naval Research; the US Air Force, Office of the Surgeon General; the National Institutes of Health; the Veterans Administration; and local public and private matching funding. 

AFIRM’s mission is to develop new products and therapies to treat severe injuries suffered by US service members in the current wars. The AFIRM teams, working in research laboratories and clinics across the country, are advancing biological therapies (including adult stem cells and growth factors), tissue and biomaterials engineering, and advanced transplantation methods. These new treatments will enable the body to repair, replace, restore and regenerate damaged tissues and organs.

Cleveland Clinic Performs Third Face Transplant
In a 31-hour surgery in May, a team of 11 Cleveland Clinic surgeons and multiple specialists performed the hospital’s third face transplant – and its first total face transplant – on a 21-year-old female who suffered severe facial trauma and other complications from a gunshot wound as a teenager. Please click here for more information about this amazing feat!

Annual Biomaterials Symposium
Join this unique conference covering break-through science, manufacturing challenges & regulatory issues relating to pharmaceutical biomaterials & regenerative medicine. Our program will be of great value to academic scientists interested in translational research and industrial scientists & managers working on the commercialization of innovative pharmaceutical & regenerative medicine products.;

Rear Admiral Anderson visited Rutgers Cleveland Clinic Consortium

On August 30, 2011, the Rutgers Cleveland Clinic Consortium hosted RDML Anderson, The Medical Officer to the Marine Corps, and his Navy-Marine Corps delegation. A primary focus of this visit was to discuss the status of RCCC clinical trials and the important connection between Navy Medicine and AFIRM.


 Photography by Don Lindorfer



Military Clinicians visited Rutgers and Cleveland Clinic

On July 12 and July 15, 2011, military clinicians from the Traveling Fellows Program came to visit the Rutgers Cleveland Clinic Consortium for a brief on clinical trials occurring in AFIRM.

Please click here for detailed information about the Traveling Fellows Program.

General Gilman visited Rutgers Cleveland Clinic Consortium
On September 13, 2010, the Rutgers Cleveland Clinic Consortium  hosted General Gilman, Commanding General of the USAMRMC. The General gave closing remarks that energized and reinvigorated RCCC project leaders, investigators and staff. 

Photography by Don Lindorfer